100+ Swedish Entrepreneurs

Investing in early-stage companies.

100% digital, democratic & quick investment process

Our ticket size is 250,000 - 500,000 SEK per company, sometimes our partners invest more on the side. We don't like to waste anyones time. That's why we've developed a digital process that allows us to quickly come to a decision. This is our process:

  • 1. Send us your pitch deck

    10 min

    First step is to upload your pitch deck and answer a few questions via our form.

  • 2. Internal review

    ~ 3-5 days

    Your deck will semi-automatically be posted to our Slack, where our our partners will review and discuss. They will use an emoji 👍 / 👎 to indicate if it's worth inviting you to pitch.

    We will reach out to you if you get overwhelming support.

  • 3. Online Video Pitch Meeting

    45 min

    Our team will schedule a video call where you will pitch. Here you will get 10 min - Presentation followed by 20 min - Q&A .

    All our partners will receive an invitation to the meeting, but not everyone will be able to show up (because we have our own companies to run). Sometimes there will be only 3 investors present, sometimes it will be 15.

    Either way, your pitch will be recorded so all our partners gets the chance to hear you present. This video is deleted after 7 days.

  • 4. Voting Period

    7 days

    Apart from your pitch deck and video pitch we will ask for the latest annual report, your accounting for the current year and your cap table.

    All our partners will now (individually) review the material before casting a vote: Yes or No. Which is done via a simple web form.

    We will invest if a supermajority of our partners are in favor (more than two thirds, 66.67%).

  • 5. Signing

    Hurray! Welcome to our portfolio (if our partners have decided to invest).

    Unlike most investors we have money in the bank - always, ready to transfered to you immediatelly after signing the agreements.

What are you waiting for?

What we are looking for

Our only true requirement is that you are a 🇸🇪 Swedish Company *
Yet if you fulfill any of the following, it is to your advantage:

  • Young founder(s), preferrably under 35
  • Early-stage company
  • Great growth potential - you dream big and start small
  • Scalable business model
  • Global ambition

* Well... YEoS Ventures does not invest in companies that violate international norms and conventions. Nor businesses within pornography, tobacco, weapons, production of fossil fuels, gambling and weapons. But it's 2024, we shouldn't have to tell you that.

Meet our Partners

We are a group of 123 Swedish entrepreneurs
- all members of the organization Young Entrepreneurs of Sweden (YEoS).